Erik's Music Database - score search: book# is EB13 and rhythm is paidushko

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Score ID Nationality / Style Aksak Rhythm Title Instruments Performer Recording Work Tape Repetoire Notes
EB1304A Bulgaria 23 paidushko voice Mary Sherhart
EB1318 Bulgaria 23 paidushko kaval Steve Finney Mendo-83
EB1321 Bulgaria 23 paidushko gadulka Marcus Moskoff Mendo-83
EB1342 Bulgaria 23 paidushko Razsurdi se Kera voice Mary Sherhart Songs_of_Mystery
EB1352 Bulgaria 23 paidushko Chiresholjo Kapljoljo voice Mary Sherhart Songs_of_Mystery
EB1359 Bulgaria 23 paidushko Rano mi e mori voice Mary Sherhart Songs_of_Mystery
EB1360 Bulgaria 23 paidushko Ojdoh dole na pazar voice Mary Sherhart Songs_of_Mystery