Erik's Music Database - Credits
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Score Credits
- Mark Levy provided material for score books ML00 & ML01, as
well as audio samples for book ML00.
- Marcus Moskoff provided the material for
score books MM02-MM04 as well as some graphic
- James Bernhard created digital markup version (Finale
& PDF) for scores in books ML01 and MM02.
- Melissa Miller provided corrections on a good number of song
- Several others provided info on particular tunes.
Discography Credits
- Larry Weiner contributed
album and track data for about 2,600 Balkan albums.
- Liz Mellish and Nick Green
contributed album data for about 2,400 Romanian albums, along with track
lists and cover images for about 1000 of them.
- Tom Deering contributed album and track data and album cover
images for about 900 Balkan albums. He also provided invaluable
assistance in processing Larry's data.
Many thanks to all!