Erik's Music Database - score search: aksak is 322 and work tape is St_Demitrious and lead instrument is synthesizer

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Score ID Nationality / Style Aksak Rhythm Title Instruments Performer Recording Work Tape Repetoire Notes
EB0456 Macedonia 2 Makedonikos synthesizer Dennis Boxell merge with 0457
EB0457 Macedonia 2 Makedonikos synthesizer Dennis Boxell merge with 0456
EB1949 Macedonia,
2 chochek synthesizer Shemo?
EB2012 Macedonia 2 chochek synthesizer Shemo
EB2051 Macedonia 2 chiftetelli synthesizer Shemo-28 side B
EB2143 Bulgaria 23 paidushko Severnjasko Paidushko bass line synthesizer
EB2445 Bulgaria 33 pravo gaida,
Strandjna Hector-Nov97
EB2515 USA,
2 synthesizer from "This American Life"
EB2640 Macedonia 2 Berovska gaida clarinet,
Ilija Ampevski SF-Mendo_09