Click in "Album ID" column to see track list and cover image (if available). Click on keywords other columns for related discographic searches. The "#STI" column may contain "#S" (if there are scores available, click for score search), "T" (if a track table is available) and/or "I" (if a cover image is available).
Album ID |
#STI |
Nationality |
Title |
Performers |
Instrument |
Rhythms |
Producer |
Notes |
Balkanton-12213 |
TI |
Bulgaria, Thrace |
The Denitsa Star Has Rissen - Rouska Nedyalkova & Kalinka Zgourova, The Denitsa Star has Risen |
Rouska Nedyalkova, Kalinka Zgourova, Orchestra (Bulgarian Television + Radio Folk Song Ens) ANPBRT |
voice |
pravo, paidushko, ruchenitsa, gankino |
LW> Rouska's singing is just fair, Kalinka's is great - somewhat over-orchestrated - duets are good even with the modern arrangements, LW-1665 |
LW-1665, TD-113 |
Balkanton-12214 |
T |
Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia |
Atanaska Dimitrova - Dimitur Kolarov |
Dimitur Kolarov, Atanaska Dimitrova, Blagoevgrad Orchestra (Television + Radio Folk Song Ens) |
voice |
devetorka, lesnoto |
LW> Nothing particularly notable about this album - modernish arrangements. |
LW-1957 |
Balkanton-12215 |
Bulgaria |
Dulug Put - The Long Road |
Teodosi Spassov |
kaval |
LW-3369 |
Balkanton-12230 |
T |
Bulgaria, Thrace |
Thracian Ensemble For FolkSongs And Dances - Yambol |
Thracian Ensemble For FolkSongs And Dances Yambol, Elena Gramatikova, Georgi (Kaval) Ivanov, Todor Karakolev |
voice, kaval, gaida, bitov |
paidushko, ruchenitsa |
LW> Very characteristic Bulgarian folk ensemble tunes - nicely done |
LW-3128, LW-3165 |
Balkanton-12231 |
T |
Bulgaria, Thrace, Varna |
Horos And Ruchenitsas By Dimiter Stoikov |
Representative Wind Orchestra of the Bulgarian Navy, Representative Wind Orchestra of the Bulgarian Nav |
brass |
ruchenitsa, daichovo, pravo, eleno |
LW> Nice Duhov Brass Band tunes |
LW-1566 |
Balkanton-12232 |
I |
Bulgaria |
Bulgarski Narodni Tantsi - Bulgarian Folk Dances Collected And Choreographed By Eddy Tijssen, Bulgarski Narodni Tanci, Collected & Choroeographed by Eddy Tijssen |
LW> Most tunes a bit over-orchestrated, LW-1314 |
LW-1314, TD-114 |
Balkanton-12233 |
Bulgaria |
Ivan Vulev - Izbrani Pesni -- Ivan Vulev Selected Songs |
Severnyashkiya Ansamble |
voice |
LW-1344 |
Balkanton-12234 |
T |
Bulgaria, Classical |
Higher Music-Pedagogic Institute Plovdiv - Performances Of Soloists, Choir And Orchestra |
Higher Music Pedagogic Institute Plovdiv Bitov Orch, Higher Music Pedagogic Institute Plovdiv Choir, Tanya Dosseva, Diana Ivanova, Nikolai Georgiev, Karssimir Kondov |
bitov, gadulka, kaval, gaida |
LW> Modern instrumental arrangements for Bitov Orch (not my taste) and very nice chorus group |
LW-1952, EB-LP |
Balkanton-12235 |
T |
Bulgaria, Classical |
Marin Ivanov - Folksongs From The District Of Teteven |
Marin Ivanov, Anastas Naumov Orchestra |
voice |
pravo, jove, paidushko, daichovo, chetvorno |
LW> Excellent singing, but, the Classical orchestra accompanying the singer significantly detracts from the folk elements in the songs. |
LW-3116, LW-3166 |
Balkanton-12236 |
T |
Bulgaria, Thrace, Shope |
Orkestur Naiden Kirov - Rouse |
Naiden Kirov Group Rousse |
violin |
pravo, daichovo, ruchenitsa, grancharsko, krivo, gankino |
LW> Very nice modern instrument orchestra |
LW-1651 |
Balkanton-12237 |
Bulgaria |
Hora Za Duhov Orkestur - Horos For Wind Orchestra |
LW-1367 |
Balkanton-12242 |
T |
Bulgaria, Thrace |
The Konushenska Group |
Konoushenska Groupa, Yanka Ivanova, Blagoi Manchev |
voice |
ruchenitsa, pravo, krivo, gankino, paidushko |
LW> Very nice album |
LW-1663, LW-2101 |
Balkanton-12267 |
T |
Bulgaria, Rhodope |
Rozhen Pee '87 - Rozhen Sings '87 |
Sto Gajdi, Dafo Trendafilov, Village Of Trigrad Rhodopi Female Vocal Group, Tanya Skechelieva, Nedelino Rhodopi Female Vocal Group, Vasil Mirchev, Manol Tashkov, Vasilka Gerzilova, Anastas Ivanov, Mixed Group Of Singers, Ivan Kyulehanov, Rhodopi Female Vocal Group Grohotno, Rhodopi Mixed Chorus Elhovets, Maria Slavcheva, Rhodopi Female Vocal Group Banite, Rossen Eshpekov, Persida Kehayova, Stephan Zahmanov, Zhenska Pevachka Groupa ot Smilyan/Smolyanski |
gaida, voice, bitov, frula |
pravo, ruchenitsa |
LW-1660 |
Balkanton-12268 |
I |
Bulgaria |
Petur Ralchev - Accordion, Peter Ralchev - Accordion |
Petar Ralchev |
accordion |
LW-1354 |
LW-1354, TD-115, EB-LP |
Balkanton-12269 |
Bulgaria |
Gradski Pesni Ot Yugozapadna Bulgaria - Town Songs From South-Western Bulgaria |
voice |
LW-1343 |
Balkanton-12270 |
Bulgaria |
Elena Chausheva & "Kanarite" Orchestra |
Elena Chausheva, Kanarite Orchestra |
voice |
LW> Nice Voice - some nice arrangements, some terrible arrangements. Instrumental music not driving enough. |
LW-1324 |
Balkanton-12300 |
T |
Bulgaria, Thrace, Shope, Serbia, Croatia |
Olga Borisova |
Olga Borisova, Emil Kolev Orchestra, Daniel Spassov |
voice |
graovsko, gankino, lesnoto, ruchenitsa, pravo, chetvorno |
LW> Good, but not a great album. |
LW-1951 |
Balkanton-12318 |
Bulgaria |
Yanko Zhelyazkov - Accordion |
Yanko Zhelyazkov |
accordion |
LW-2279 |
Balkanton-12319 |
T |
Bulgaria, Shope |
Radka Alexova |
Radka Aleksova, Orchestra (Bulgarian Television + Radio Folk Song Ens) ANPBRT, Shopska Folkloren Ansembl |
voice, bitov |
gankino, paidushko, pravo, chetvorno |
LW> Album has 2 very nice shope songs with excellent accompanyment, and the other songs feature and excellent singer but are instrumentally over-arranged |
LW-1662 |
Balkanton-12320 |
T |
Bulgaria, Thrace |
Stoyan Velichkov - Kaval |
Stojan Velichkov, Tanya Velichkova, Dimitur Penev Orch |
kaval, bitov, voice |
pravo, ruchenitsa |
LW> Very nice kaval playing, but the bitov orchestra is too big and needs a tupan! Tunes 9-14, arranged and conducted by Dimitur Penev, are completely distasteful to me! |
LW-3137, LW-3167 |
Balkanton-12321 |
T |
Bulgaria, Thrace |
Todor Kozhouharov |
Todor Kozhouharov, Stojan Velichkov, Konoushenska Groupa |
bitov, voice |
ruchenitsa, pravo, paidushko |
LW-1563 |
Balkanton-12322 |
TI |
Bulgaria |
Izvoren Folklor Ot Satovcha I Dolen, Изворен Фолклор от Сатовча и Долен, Izvoren Folklore from Satovcha & Dolen |
Zhenska Pevcheska Groupa Satovcha Gotse Delchev, Zhenska Peveheska Groupa Dolen Gotse Delchev |
LW> Excellent a ccapella singing, LW-3203 |
LW-2077, LW-3203, TD-116, EB-CT |
Balkanton-12323 |
Bulgaria |
Anastas Naumov - Selected Songs And Horos |
Bulgarian Television And Radio Folksong Ensemble |
LW> Works composed by Anastas Naumov - the big ensemble/choral sound. |
LW-1325 |
Balkanton-12340 |
Bulgaria |
Strouma (Kyustendil) State Ememble For Folk Songs And Dances |
Strouma Emsemble |
voice |
LW-1360 |
Balkanton-12341 |
T |
Bulgaria, Russia |
Songs By Dimiter Yanev |
Stoyanka Koleva, Dimitur Kolarov, Dimitur Yanev, Boris Stoev, Ventsislav Tsvetkov, Venera Maerkova |
voice |
lesnoto |
LW> Seems like these are patriotic songs, pop folk, and kind of polished, but not too remarkable. |
LW-1955 |
Balkanton-12360 |
T |
Bulgaria, Thrace |
Dimka And Lyoubomir Vladimirov |
Dimka Vladimirova, Lyoubomir Vladimirov, Dobrin Panayotov Orch, Kosta Kolev Orchestra |
voice, tambura |
pravo, ruchenitsa, gankino, graovsko |
LW> I like the vocalist on this album, however, tunes are over-arranged |
LW-1809 |
Balkanton-12362 |
T |
Bulgaria, Thrace |
Slavka Kalcheva |
Slavka Kalcheva, Todor Prashtakov Orch |
voice |
ruchenitsa, pravo |
LW-1529 |
Balkanton-12363 |
T |
Bulgaria, Shope |
Lilyana Galevska - Folk Songs From The Trun Region |
Liljana Galevska, Dobrin Panayotov Orch, Kosta Kolev Orchestra, Boyan Nankov Orch |
voice, bitov |
lesnoto, paidushko, graovsko, gankino, pravo |
LW> Some nice tunes, a bit of a more modern sound in the bitov orch |
LW-1823 |
Balkanton-12364 |
Bulgaria |
Krassimir Stanev |
Krassimir Stanev |
voice |
LW> A bit over-orchestrated |
LW-1332 |
Balkanton-12367 |
T |
Bulgaria, Varna, Severn, Dobrudja |
Stambolovo '88 - Vol 1 |
Kozarevska Group Yambol, Vievska Folk Groupa, Slavka Kalcheva, Ograzhden Blagoevgrad, Mladost Pernik, Aksakovska Group, Veselie Gabrovo, Donka Racheva, Mladost Slavyanovo, Zlatka Kissyova, Drouzhba Rousse, Istur Silistra |
voice, accordion |
pravo, paidushko, gankino, graovsko, grancharsko, ruchenitsa, eleno |
LW> Album was not well engineered - too much bass - fixed somewhat during remastering. Some nice tunes. |
LW-3132, LW-3168 |
Balkanton-12368 |
T |
Bulgaria, Varna, Shope, Dobrudja, Thrace, Severn |
Stambolovo '88 - Vol 2 |
Bisseri Kurdzhali, Georgi Arabadzhiev, Dimitrovgrad Haskovo, Orkestur Trustenik, Zlatna Arfa, Georgi Zhekov, Valentin Manchev, Various, Yambol |
voice, gadulka |
trite_puti, buchimish, ruchenitsa, graovsko, lesnoto, pravo |
LW> Album was not well engineered - too much bass - fixed somewhat during remastering. Some nice tunes. Lots of jazz elements. |
LW-3133, LW-3169 |
Balkanton-12400 |
T |
Bulgaria |
Town Songs From Southwestern Bulgaria #1 - Gradski Pesni Ot Yugozapadna Bulgaria #1 |
Atanaska Dimitrova, Dimitur Kolarov, Blagoevgrad Orchestra (Television + Radio Folk Song Ens), Tanya Kostova, Kiril Dringov, Ivan Gotsev, Angel Mitrev, Emil Ristoskov |
voice |
lesnoto |
LW> Nothing particularly notable about this album. |
LW-3129, LW-3170 |
Balkanton-12419 |
Bulgaria |
Ilenden Ensemble - Blagoevgrad |
Ilenden Ensemble |
LW-1097, LW-1364 |
Balkanton-12429 |
T |
Bulgaria, Thrace |
Angel Vangelov - Accordion |
Angel Vangelov, Emil Kolev Orchestra, Ivan Kolev, Hristofor Radanov Ensemble |
accordion |
pravo, krivo, chetvorno, daichovo, ruchenitsa, graovsko, gankino, buchimish |
LW> Nice tunes and quite skillful playing. |
LW-3135, LW-3171 |
Balkanton-12430 |
T |
Bulgaria, Rhodope |
Fanka And Mladen Koinarov |
Fanka Koinarova, Mladen Koinarov, Georgi Mousourliev |
voice, gaida |
pravo |
LW> Album was very poorly recorded, tried to equalize as best as possible. Nice singing and kaba gaida playing. |
LW-3117, LW-3172 |
Balkanton-12434 |
Bulgaria |
Georgiev Sisters - Songs From Nedelino |
Sestri Georgievi |
LW-1538 |
Balkanton-12482 |
Bulgaria |
Songs By Zapryu Ikonomov |
LW-2281 |
Balkanton-12489 |
T |
Bulgaria, Dobrudja |
Folk Songs From Dobroudzha - Anastassia Kostova |
Anastassia Kostova, Bulgarian Television And Radio Folk Song Ensemble |
voice, bitov |
ruchenitsa, pravo |
LW> Allbum is really very poorly recorded - one of the worst I've heard on Balkanton records. Levels are completely out of balance. Singer is pretty good. |
LW-3121, LW-3173 |
Balkanton-12490 |
T |
Bulgaria |
Bulgarka Vocal Trio |
Trio Bulgarka |
voice |
LW> Lilo |
LW-1460, LW-1938 |
Balkanton-12491 |
Bulgaria |
Stefan Georgiev - Accordion |
Stefan (Accordion) Georgiev |
accordion |
LW-2280 |
Balkanton-12492 |
5S |
Bulgaria, Shope |
Pavline Gorcheva - Shope Songs, Pavlina Gorcheva |
Pavlina Gorcheva |
voice |
LW-1082, LW-1337, EB-CT |
Balkanton-12512 |
T |
Bulgaria, Thrace, Shope, Severn |
Tsvyatko Blagoev's Folk Group |
Tsvyatko Blagoev's Folk Group |
bitov |
pravo, paidushko, ruchenitsa, gankino, daichovo, graovsko |
LW-727 |
Balkanton-12556 |
Bulgaria |
Folk Songs And Melodies From Strandja |
LW-1534 |
Balkanton-12557 |
T |
Bulgaria, Thrace |
Orpheus Orchestra |
Orfei Orkestur |
guitar, voice |
pravo, ruchenitsa, paidushko, gankino |
LW> Wedding Band Music - gift from Valeri Georgiev - Overall too modern for my taste |
LW-3367 |
Balkanton-12573 |
Bulgaria |
"Urgent" Show Band, Yanka Roupkina & Trio Bulgarka - Trio "Speshen Slouchai" #2 & Trio Bulgarka |
Trio Bulgarka, Yanka Roupkina |
LW> Pop Music |
LW-2179 |
Balkanton-12611 |
Bulgaria |
Kraj Vardara - Sabrinska & Kolev, Kraj Vardaro - By The Vardar River |
Subrinska + Kolev |
voice |
LW-1098, LW-1353 |
Balkanton-12624 |
Bulgaria, Rhodope |
Pesni Ot Rhodopite - Songs From The Rhodopes - Boika Prisadova |
Boika Prisadova, Koutev Ensemble |
voice |
LW> Beautiful Voice - totally over-orchestratred and arranged |
LW-1321 |
Balkanton-12625 |
Bulgaria |
Nadka Karadzhova - Pazardzhiski Pesni - Songs From The Region Of Pazardzhik |
Nadka Karadzhova |
voice |
LW-1357, EB-CT |
Balkanton-12672 |
Bulgaria |
Kostadin Gougov |
Kostadin Gougov |
voice |
LW-1359 |
Balkanton-12708 |
T |
Ladino |
Clara Armandova Sings Sephardic Songs In Ladino - Sefarad '92 |
Clara Armandova |
voice |
LW> Interesting Record - instrumentation a bit too modern |
LW-1700, LW-1701 |
Balkanton-12711 |
T |
Bulgaria |
The Voice Of Pirin |
Pirin Ensemble, Nikola Kostov, Kateriona Kostadinova, Iliya Argirov, Rouska Stoimenova, Tatyana Surbinska, Pirinka Hristova, Zdravka Hristova |
voice, kaval, bitov |
na_trapeza, lesnoto, waltz |
LW> This is a compilation re-release. Most of the tunes have appeared on other albums, but, the tune selection is good here. |
LW-1956, EB-CT |
Balkanton-12720 |
Bulgaria |
Kalinka Zgurova\Stefan Kunev I Tehnite Pesni - Kalinka Zgurova\Stefan Kunev And Their Songs |
Kalinka Zgourova |
voice |
LW> Very Nice Voice - too orchestrated but does not take much away from her singing |
LW-1327 |
Balkanton-12724 |
Bulgaria |
Manol Mihailov - Narodni Pesni Ot Strandzha --Manol Mihailov - Folk Songs From The Strandzha Region |
Manol Mihailov, Instrumentalna Grupa Balkana |
bitov, voice |
LW-1352 |
Balkanton-12738 |
Bulgaria |
Bulgarka Junior Quartet - Bulgarian Folk Singers Unlimited |
Bulgarka Junior Quartet |
voice |
LW-1349 |
Balkanton-12740 |
Bulgaria |
Komnya Stoyanova - Strandzha Folk Songs |
Komnya Stoyanova, Strandzhanskata Grupa |
bitov |
LW> Excellent Album |
LW-1322 |
Balkanton-12745 |
Bulgaria |
S Buklitsa I Dryan |
LW-1106 |
Balkanton-12746 |
T |
Bulgaria, Rom |
Shastlivi Tsigani |
Anzhelo Malikov Orch, Gosho Sergiev, Katya Sefedinova, Hasan Chinchiri Orch, Mariya Rankova, Plamen Chinchiri, Atanas Rankova |
voice |
chochek, devetorka, tango |
LW> Bulgarian Gypsy |
LW-1105, LW-1347, LW-1796 |
Balkanton-12748 |
Bulgaria |
Philip Koutev, The Philip Koutev National Folk Company - New Songs |
Koutev Ensemble |
voice |
LW-1081, LW-1350 |
Balkanton-12775 |
Bulgaria |
The Magic Of The Bulgarian Music Folklore - Singers - Vol 1 |
LW-2252 |
Balkanton-12776 |
Bulgaria |
The Magic Of The Bulgarian Music Folklore - Ensembles - Vol 2 |
LW-2240 |