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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
Jugoton-61652 I Muharem I Ajnur Serbezovski TD-601
Jugoton-61659 I Mane Peče, Šlivovica Teče,
Lički narodne pjesme i običaj uz pečenje rakije / izvodi
Jugoton-61667 I Antuš Gabrić,
sa svojim ansambalom svira kolo - KUD Branko Cvetković
Jugoton-61750 I Hrvatske Rožićne Pjesme,
Croatian Christmas Carols
Jugoton-61757 I Malki Momi, Mamo TD-548
Jugoton-61778 I Na Brkuncu Restu Rože,
Narodne Pjesme i Svirka Roverije (Folk Songs and Dances From Roverija)
Jugoton-61791 I Makedonski Nezaboravni Pesni TD-702
Jugoton-61801 TI Macedonia Kud Makedonija (Skopje) - Egejska Makedonia,
Куд Македонија,
Kud Makedonija
Kud Makedonija brass LW-697,
Jugoton-61841 I Romske Pesme TD-545
Jugoton-61873 Narodne Pjesme iz Bosne,
Bosnian folk songs
Jugoton-61895 I O, Ča Je Lipo More,
How Beautiful is the Sea
Jugoton-61902 I Zetela Tužna Grlica,
Narodne Pjesme i Svirka Poreštine (Folk Songs and Dances From Region of Poreč)
Jugoton-61916 I Narodne Pjesme I Plesovi Podravine,
Folk Songs and Dances From Podravina
Jugoton-61918 TI Macedonia Macedonia 1,
Pusta Mladost Brgu Pominuva
Vaska Ilieva LW> dub from Emerson Hawley -Side A - Jugoton CAY 242;dub from Emerson Hawley -Side B - Jugoton LPY 61918 LW-763,
Jugoton-61921 I Ubavo Makedonče TD-580
Jugoton-61990 I Nejčam Da Me Gledaš - Violeta Tomovska TD-701
Jugoton-62034 I 19. Festival Dalmatinskih Klapa Omiš TD-824
Jugoton-62051 I Linđo 1965-1985,
Ansambl lplesova i Pjesama Naroda Jugoslavije
Jugoton-62061 I Kah Pranvera,
Kenge Popullore Shqiptare
Jugoton-62075 I 25 Godina Dragačevskog Sabora,
Duvački Orkestar - Radojka Vitezovića
Jugoton-62083 I Pjesme Narodne Evrope,
Songs of European Nations
Jugoton-62097 I Te Burimi TD-368
Jugoton-62118 I Narodni Plesovi iz Hrvatske,
Croatian Folk Dances
Jugoton-63013 I Rugova TD-367
Jugoton-63059 I Narodni Običaji u Izvedbi LADA 1,
National Customs in the Performance of Lado
Jugoton-63068 I Opre Roma,
Jarko Jovanović Jagdino - soloista na balalajci svoj ansambl
Jugoton-63069 I Narodni Običaji u Izvedbi LADA 2,
National Customs in the Performance of Lado
Jugoton-63089 I Z' Cvetnjaka Horvatske Međimurske Popijevke TD-496
Jugoton-63107 I Vera Svoboda - U Slavonskom Kolu… TD-819
Jugoton-63149 I Izlegla Evda Niz Čaršiju TD-592
Jugoton-63153 I Lepo Naše Međimurje TD-622
Jugoton-65025-6 I Pjesmom i Tamburicom Kroz Hrvatsku,
Across Croatia with a Tamburitza and a Song
Jugoton-66066 I Seoska Sam Lola,
Krunoslav Slabinac-Kičo
Jugoton-69027-8 I Festival Zabavne Glazbe - Split,
Split Song Festival
Jusautor-050086 I The Voices of Varna TD-905
Kabile-TD-858 I Kabile,
Traditional Music from Thrace
Kete-TD-333 I Macedonian Dances,
Presented by Kete Ilievski
King_Music-5146 I Music of Bulgaria TD-335
King_Music-5147 I Panpipe Music and Folksongs of Romania TD-336
Kismet-1 I Russian Folk Dances,
As played by Kornienko Ensemble
Klepac-TD-851 I Severdjan 'Klepac' Amzoski TD-851
Kolarov-1 I Mile Kolarov - Kaval TD-638
Koleda-TD-341 I Koleda,
Ensemble of South Slavic Music and Dance
Kolev-1 I Балкански Гласове - Фамили,
Balkan Voices - Family
Kolo_Festival-1017-1019 I Kolo “In Slavonic Rhapsody”, Vol. 1 TD-774
Kolo_Festival-1018-1020 I Kolo “In Slavonic Rhapsody”, Vol. 2 TD-775
Kolo_Festival-1503-1504 I Kolo “In Slavonic Rhapsody”, Vol. 3 TD-776
Kritika-1 I Kritika Merakia 1 TD-346
Kt-1001 I Panhellenion,
Greek Mountain Dances and Island Music
LW-76 TD-610
Labor-7019-2 I Thracian Rhapsody,
The New Wedding Music of Bulgaria Vol. 1
Lado-TD-890 I LADO - Iz hrvatske narodne glazbene riznice,
LADO - From the Treasure of Croatian Folk Music
Lark-TD-979 I Folklore Dances of Romania TD-979
Lat-50613 I Bulgari - Bulgarian Folk Music TD-348
Ld-592324 I Gypsy Mambo TD-349
Le_Chant_Du_Monde-74317 I Chants et Danses de Bulgarie,
Songs and Dances of Bulgaria
Le_Chant_Du_Monde-74384 I Chants et Danses de Yougoslavie,
Songs and Dances of Yugoslavia
Legacy-318 I Authentic Greek Folk Songs and Dances TD-235
Legacy-376 I The Magical Voices of Bulgaria TD-350
Lnm-210857-01 I The Hits of the Bisserov Sisters - Vol. 1,
Misoc from the Pirin Region, Shopsko and Trakia
Lnm-04031953 I The Favorite Macedonian Songs,
Любимите македонске песни