Click in "Album ID" column to see track list and cover image (if available). Click on keywords other columns for related discographic searches. The "#STI" column may contain "#S" (if there are scores available, click for score search), "T" (if a track table is available) and/or "I" (if a cover image is available).
Album ID |
#STI |
Nationality |
Title |
Performers |
Instrument |
Rhythms |
Producer |
Notes |
Electrecord-03087 |
Romania, Moldavia |
Ilustrate Muzicale din Moldova |
LN-TR494 |
Electrecord-03088 |
Romania |
Taraful Datinaj Botosani |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03089 |
Romania |
Nicoleta Voica |
Nicoleta Voica |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03090 |
Romania, Banat |
Jocuri Populare din Banat |
LN-RR275 |
Electrecord-03091 |
Romania |
Viorica Flintasu |
Viorica Flintasu |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03092 |
Romania |
Patru Birlea; De Pe Plaiuri Sighetene |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03093 |
TI |
Romania |
Gavril Vaida, Mariuca Radulescu, Nicolae Muresan, Anghelina Tamas |
Anghelina Tamas, Gavril Vaida, Mariuca Radulescu, Nicolae Muresan |
LN-RR782 |
Electrecord-03094 |
TI |
Romania |
Ansamblul Calusul Scornicesti |
Ansamblul Calusul Scornicesti |
hora, sirba, doina |
LN-RR486 |
Electrecord-03095 |
Romania, Banat |
The Romanian National Collection of Folklore; Banat |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03096 |
Romania |
Crizantema de aur - II Romante 2 |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03097 |
Romania |
Ioana Radu |
Ioana Radu |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03098 |
Romania |
Ioana Radu |
Ioana Radu |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03109 |
TI |
Romania |
Gavril Prunoiu - Hai Mindruta, la Muscel |
Gavril Prunoiu |
LN-RR409 |
Electrecord-03141 |
Romania |
Ioana Cornea |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03142 |
TI |
Romania |
Gherghina Ionescu, Gherghina Stancu, Gheoghe Voinic, Florin Ologeanu |
Florin Ologeanu, Gheoghe Voinic, Gherghina Ionescu, Gherghina Stancu |
hora, geampara |
LN-RR612 |
Electrecord-03143 |
Romania |
Ionela Prodan |
Ionela Prodan |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03144 |
TI |
Romania |
Vasile Gheorge - Acordeon |
Vasile Gheorge |
accordion |
hora, sirba |
LN-RR477 |
Electrecord-03145 |
Romania |
Sofia Vicoveanca |
Sofia Vicoveanca |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03146 |
Romania |
loan Chirila; Viorica Galan; Leonte |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03147 |
Romania |
Leontina Pop "Bine-mi sade Muresana" |
Leontina Pop |
LN-RR295 |
Electrecord-03148 |
Romania, Moldavia |
Ileana Moldovan |
Ileana Moldovan |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03149 |
TI |
Romania |
Ioan Pop si Nicolae Griguta |
Ioan Pop, Nicolae Griguta |
violin |
hora |
LN-RR493 |
Electrecord-03150 |
Romania |
Sava Negrean Brudascu |
Sava Negrean |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03151 |
TI |
Romania |
Lucretia Ciobanu - Multumesc-ti Primavara |
Lucretia Ciobanu |
LN-RR406 |
Electrecord-03152 |
TI |
Romania |
Maria Bologa Lia |
Maria Bologa Lia |
hora |
LN-RR787 |
Electrecord-03153 |
Romania |
Taraful Virfrile - Arad |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03154 |
TI |
Romania |
Sandu Florea - Trompeta |
Sandu Florea |
briul, doina, hora |
LN-RR803 |
Electrecord-03155 |
TI |
Romania |
Nelu Tanca |
Nelu Tanca |
LN-RR230 |
Electrecord-03156 |
TI |
Romania |
Nagy B Ildiko & Szilagyi Ferenc "Hegedulnek szepen muzsikalnak" |
Nagy B Ildiko, Szilagyi Ferenc |
LN-RR760 |
Electrecord-03158 |
Romania |
Tara Mea Gradinan-Floare |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03164 |
TI |
Romania, Moldavia, Banat |
Paul Stinga |
Paul Stinga, Alexandru Havriliuc |
accordion, violin, taragotte, saxophone, panpipe |
sirba, doina, hora, geampara |
LN-CDR168 |
Electrecord-03212 |
Romania |
Maria Dragomirou |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03213 |
Romania |
Polina Manoila |
Polina Manoila |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03214 |
Romania |
Angela Saftoiu |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03215 |
Romania |
Dumitri Zamfira |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03216 |
Romania |
Mituta Si Dumitru Ridescu |
Dumitru Ridescu |
LN-RR569 |
Electrecord-03217 |
Romania |
Florea Calota "Neicuta Floare Dulce" |
Florea Calota |
LN-RR223 |
Electrecord-03218 |
Romania |
Ion Fanescu |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03219 |
Romania |
Gica Cristea; acordeon |
Gica Cristea |
accordion |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03220 |
Romania |
Taraful Din Clejani |
LN-TR049 |
Electrecord-03221 |
T |
Romania, Moldavia |
Ion Macovei - Moldovan song |
Ion Macovei |
LN-CDR163 |
Electrecord-03222 |
Romania |
Maria Enache |
Maria Enache |
LN-RR564 |
Electrecord-03223 |
TI |
Romania |
Ilie si Radu Vincu |
Radu Vincu |
LN-RR501 |
Electrecord-03224 |
Romania |
Luta Popovici |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03225 |
TI |
Romania |
Fratii Petreus |
Fratii Petreus |
LN-RR617 |
Electrecord-03226 |
Romania |
Elena si Emil Barz |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03227 |
Romania |
Ordogszeker; egyuttes |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03228 |
TI |
Romania |
Taraful Soporul De Cimpie, Taraful Soporul de Cimpie |
Taraful Soporul De Cimpie |
violin, voice |
cintec, doina |
LW> Excellent! This is the group that performed at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival and stayed in the DC area |
LW-2121, LW-2122, LN-RR586 |
Electrecord-03229 |
Romania |
Ioan si Nicolae Batinas |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03230 |
TI |
Romania |
Lucretia Ciobanu |
Lucretia Ciobanu |
LN-RR429 |
Electrecord-03231 |
Romania |
Dumitru Margine |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03232 |
Romania |
Gheorghe Berian; Ciobanas frumos si-nalt |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03233 |
Romania |
Floarea Tanasescu |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03234 |
TI |
Romania |
Ansamblul Flacara Prahovei |
Ansamblul Flacara Prahovei |
sirba, doina, hora |
LN-RR487 |
Electrecord-03237 |
Romania |
Ordogszeker |
LN-RR576 |
Electrecord-03238 |
Romania |
Die Hecker und Heide Musikanten |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03304 |
TI |
Romania |
Maria Ciobanu "Salcioara de pe Olt" |
Maria Ciobanu |
LN-RR766 |
Electrecord-03305 |
Romania |
Ileana Ciuculete |
Ileana Ciuculete |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03306 |
Romania |
Elena Lefescu |
LN-missing |
Electrecord-03307 |
TI |
Romania |
Mihai Mihalache |
Mihai Mihalache |
LN-RR510 |