Erik's Music Database - discography search: rhythm is pravo and performer is "Kostadin Denev" and record label is Rgnet and nationality/style is Bulgaria and record label is Balkan

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
Balkan-455 T Bulgaria Balkan (Bulgaria) #455 - 78 RPM - Ivanka Georgieva & Babaka Orch Ivanka Georgieva,
Babaka Orch
voice LW> ;;Record has pronounced 100 Hz hum - needs to be removed LW-3292
Balkan-3203 T Bulgaria BALKAN (Bulgaria) #3203 - 78 RPM - Stefan G. Penchev - "Kuncho Plenika" - Sides 1 & 2 Stefan G Penchev gadulka LW> Singer-Storyteller-Gudular - Prabably the Same as London Recdord #3203 LW-3017
Balkan-3210 T Bulgaria,
BALKAN (Bulgaria) #3210 - 78 RPM - P. M. Parushev Parush Parushev ruchenitsa,
LW> Nice songs. Ruchenitsa has to much drone. Lead-in and first 20 seconds of music on both sides have damaged, but playable, grooves. LW-3014