Erik's Music Database - discography search: performer is "Esma RedzepovaShadan Ensemble Teodosievski" and record label is Komercijalna_Banka_Ad_Skopje and performer is "Krume Spasovski"

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
Komercijalna.._Ad_Skopje-4 T Macedonia Antology Of Macedonian Chalgia - CD#4 Antology Of Macedonian Chalgia Orchestra Chalgia,
Duet Tomovska Mancevski,
Naum Petreski,
Vidanka V Gorgievska,
Raim Baki,
Violeta Tomovska,
Suzanana Spasovska,
Krume Spasovski
LW> This is part of a very interesting 6 CD collection of tunes that were recorded in the town of Bardovci in December 2005. This is not a re-issue of old recordings and the musicians and singers are well known thoughout Macedonia. Over all, the collection is quite nice, but not "gripping". LW-2681