Erik's Music Database - discography search: performer is "Dj Bad Serb" and performer is "Stanil Payakov" and record label is Steve_Kotansky

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
Steve_Kotansky-1983 T Balkan Buffalo Gap '83 . . . Dances By Steve Kotansky LW-1147
Steve_Kotansky-1995 T Balkan,
Summer Dance Camps 1995 pravo LW-1152
Steve_Kotansky-1998 T Balkan,
Ramblewood 1998 - Steve Kotansky Dances LW-1155
Steve_Kotansky-All-Night T Balkan I Should Have Danced All Night Selyani Macedonian Folklore Group graovsko LW-1146
Steve_Kotansky-In-Memoriam T Balkan,
In Memoriam - Petre Vasilev Atanasovski - Mem Day 1997 - Steve Kotansky Pece Atanasovski Ensemble zurna,
beranche LW-1157
Steve_Kotans..ek-Igra-1995 T Balkan,
Nek Se Igra - Memorial Day 1995 chochek LW-1153
Steve_Kotansky-Texas-Camp T Balkan,
Texas Camp Turns 50 Orkestar Ekrema Mamutovica brass LW-1154