Erik's Music Database - discography search: nationality/style is Wallachia and performer is "Zhenska Pevcheska Groupa ot SofiaGrad" and #images is 0 and record label is S_C_Glas_Transilvan

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
S_C_Glas_Transilvan-505 Romania Mariana Deac "Frati din lumea-ntreaga" LN-TR389
S_C_Glas_Transilvan-672 Romania Ana Susman Stanciu - Jubeste-ma bade drag LN-TR213
S_C_Glas_Transilvan-673 Romania Petru Eugen Pistol - Doamne, la inima mea LN-TR210
S_C_Glas_Transilvan-690 Romania Cristian Pomohaci "Cantec vesnic tanar" LN-TR366
S_C_Glas_Tra..van-LN-TR319 Romania Aurel Tamas "Am Patima si-un dor Aurel Tamas LN-TR319
S_C_Glas_Tra..van-LN-TR369 Romania Christian Sebastian Fodor LN-TR369
S_C_Glas_Tra..van-LN-TR534 Romania Nicu Dragomir "Grizile care ma bat" LN-TR534