Erik's Music Database - discography search: database ID is LW-955 and performer is "Mushki Groupa Ot Sandanski" and performer is "El Bitsina B Prangova El Okolska" and record label is Dpa

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Click in "Album ID" column to see track list and cover image (if available). Click on keywords other columns for related discographic searches. The "#STI" column may contain "#S" (if there are scores available, click for score search), "T" (if a track table is available) and/or "I" (if a cover image is available).

Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
Dpa-013 T Greece Yiorgo Anestopoulos Premier Greek Clarinetist - Remastered From Original 78rpm Recordings Yiorgo Anestopoulos clarinet tsamikos,
Dpa-014 T Greece Vasilios Saleas Vasilios Saleas,
Geeorge Meindanas
clarinet syrtos,