Erik's Music Database - discography search: database ID is LW-492 and performer is Marija and record label is Amma

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
Amma-001-0248-4 TI Romania Mare Paranghelie Megamix 2 LN-TR399
Amma-136 TI Romania Nicolae Guta - "Cat am bani, Eu dau la toti" Vol 9 LN-TR333
Amma-188 TI Romania Super de Chef LN-TR403
Amma-206 TI Romania Manele 6 LN-TR484
Amma-207 TI Romania Manele 7 LN-TR485
Amma-208 TI Romania Super de Chef 2 LN-TR472
Amma-214 TI Romania Manele 8 LN-TR535
Amma-226 TI Romania Manele 9 LN-TR533
Amma-LN-CDR133 TI Romania Best of Nicolae Guta MP3 CD x 2 LN-CDR133