Erik's Music Database - discography search: database ID is LW-1519 and record label is Olympic and performer is "Dimchevski Jusufov Tasevski" and performer is "Milovan Petrovic"

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
Beograd_Disk-0402 T Milovan Petrovic And Ansambl D. Beljina Milovan Petrovic frula LW-395
Jugoton-850 TI Bosnia Pokraj Grada Sarajeva,
Bosonske Narodne Pjesme i Kola
Safet Isovitch,
Beba Selimovitch,
Himzo Polovina,
Nada Mamula,
Zaim Imamovitch,
Zarka Shetcherkaditch,
Halil Voloder,
Rade Mladenovitch,
Mujo Ceritch And Ahmed Beshlitch,
Milovan Petrovic,
Zehra Deovitch,
Rejhana Osmanchevitch,
Halil Salihanovitch + Ramiz Salkanovitch
LW> Various Bosnian Songs - very good LW-1225,