Erik's Music Database - discography search: database ID is LN-TR190 and record label is Nevofoon and #images is 0 and performer is "Dimitur Grivnin"

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
Balkanton-5828 2ST Bulgaria,
Bulgarski Narodni Hora - Rhodope Gajda Peter Kushlev,
Dimitur Grivnin,
Dafo Trendafilov
Balkanton-060154 T Bulgaria,
Magiata Na Rhodopa Planina 2 Sto Gajdi,
Valya Balkanska,
Roumen Rodopski,
Orchestra (Bulgarian Television + Radio Folk Song Ens) ANPBRT,
Dafo Trendafilov,
Fanka Koinarova,
Georgi Mousourliev,
Mladen Koinarov,
Dimitur Grivnin,
Boika Prisadova,
Kroum Yankov,
Emil Kolev Orchestra,
Stephan Zahmanov,
Hristina Lyutova,
Apostol Kisiov,
Roza Georgieva,
Trakiya State Folk Ensemble,
Vassil Vasilev,
Sestri Georgievi,
Georgi Chilingirov,
Nadezhda Hvoineva
pravo LW> Excellent CD - Mixture or very traditional and somewhat orchestrared LW-2562