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Album ID | #STI | Nationality | Title | Performers | Instrument | Rhythms | Producer | Notes | DBID |
Balkan_Arts-6-G | 19STI | Bulgaria, Thrace, Dobrudja |
Bulgarian Folk Songs And Dances - Martin Koenig, Български народни песни и хора, Bulgarski narodni pesni i hora |
Strandzhanskata Grupa, Pirin Ensemble |
bitov, accordion, voice, gaida, gadulka |
trite_puti, pravo, eleno, petrunino, opas, reka, ruchenitsa |
Marty Koenig | LW-23, TD-41, EB-LP |
Balkanton-1317 | 1STI | Bulgaria, Thrace |
Kalinka Vulcheva | Kalinka Vulcheva, Anastas Naumov Orchestra, Kosta Kolev Orchestra, Stefan Angelov Orch |
voice | pravo, reka, paidushko |
LW> Wonderful Voice - Variable Orchestrations (some ok - some bad), LW-2258 |
LW-1605, LW-2258, TD-129, EB-LP, EB-AU |
Request-8142 | 5STI | Bulgaria, Thrace, Dobrudja, Shope, Varna |
Bulgaria | Ensemble Varna, Ivan Nikolov |
bitov, voice, kaval, tambura, gadulka, gaida |
devetorka, pravo, daichovo, ruchenitsa, reka, lesnoto |
LW> Very Good Album - Same as Musidisc 30 CV 1279 | LW-3068, TD-464, EB-LP |