Erik's Music Database - discography search: performer is "M Moutev" and performer is "Ivan Shibilev" and #images is 0 and performer is "Radi Angelov Orchestra" and performer is "Vulkana Stoyanova"

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Album ID #STI Nationality Title Performers Instrument Rhythms Producer Notes DBID
Balkanton-1017 T Bulgaria Balkanton #1017 - Vulkana Stoyanova & Radi Angelov Orch Vulkana Stoyanova,
Radi Angelov Orchestra
voice devetorka LW> Excellent tunes - This was originally released in Radioprom #1017 LW-2868
Balkanton-1019 T Bulgaria,
Balkanton #1019 - 78 RPM - Vulkana Stoyanova & Radi Angelov Orchestra Vulkana Stoyanova,
Radi Angelov Orchestra
pravo LW> Fabulous Tunes - same as Orfei (Bulgaria) #1212 - Labels are reversed on record! LW-2872
Balkanton-1128 T Bulgaria,
Balkanton #1128 - Vulkana Stoyanova Vulkana Stoyanova,
Radi Angelov Orchestra,
Peyou Boudakov Orch
voice pravo LW> Great voice LW-2869
Orfei-1196 T Bulgaria,
Orfei (Bulgaria) #1196 - 78 RPM - Vulkana Stoyanova Vulkana Stoyanova,
Radi Angelov Orchestra
voice pravo LW> Excelllent singing and instrumentals - 2nd copy of this record is cracked but otherwise in excellent condition,
LW> Excelllent singing and instrumentals
Orfei-1211 T Bulgaria Orfei (Bulgaria) #1211 - 78 RPM - Vulkana Stoyanova & Radi Angelov Orchestra Vulkana Stoyanova,
Radi Angelov Orchestra
voice waltz LW> Vulkana's voice is excellent, but I don't really like these tunes very much. Record is chipped on the lead-in and therefore you cannot hear the entire instrumental introduction. LW-2912
Orfei-1212 T Bulgaria,
Orfei (Bulgaria) #1212 - 78 RPM - Vulkana Stoyanova & Radi Angelov Orchestra Vulkana Stoyanova,
Radi Angelov Orchestra
pravo LW> Fabulous Tunes LW-2615
Orfei-1228 T Bulgaria Orfei (Bulgaria) #1228 - 78 RPM - Vulkana Stoyanova & Radi Angelov Orchestra Vulkana Stoyanova,
Radi Angelov Orchestra
voice LW> Excellent songs - record condition reasonably good LW-1743
Orfei-1238 T Bulgaria,
Orfei (Bulgaria) #1238 - 78 RPM - Vulkana Stoyanova & Radi Angelov Orchestra Vulkana Stoyanova,
Radi Angelov Orchestra
voice pravo LW> Same as Radioprom 1028,
LW> Excellent Record - Same as Radioprom 1028
Orfei-1251 T Bulgaria,
Orfei (Bulgaria) #1251- 78 RPM - Vulkana Stoyanova & Radi Angelov Orchestra Vulkana Stoyanova,
Radi Angelov Orchestra
pravo LW> Fabulous tunes. one of the record is fragile with slight crack eminating out from center and slight warp, but will track LW-2618
Orfei-1269 T Bulgaria Orfei (Bulgaria) #1269 - 78 RPM - Vulkana Stoyanova & Radi Angelov Orchestra Vulkana Stoyanova,
Radi Angelov Orchestra
voice LW> Sounds like Vulkana Stoyanova as a child, excellent songs LW-2206
Radioprom-1017 T Bulgaria Radioprom #1017 - Vulkana Stoyanova & Radi Angelov Orch Vulkana Stoyanova,
Radi Angelov Orchestra
voice devetorka LW> Excellent tunes - This is the original recording - later released under Balkanton #1017 LW-2893
Radioprom-1018 T Bulgaria Radioprom Otdel Gramaphoni Plochi #1018 - Vulkana Stoyanova & Radi Angelov Orch Vulkana Stoyanova,
Radi Angelov Orchestra
voice LW> Excellent Singing & good instrumental LW-2431
Radioprom-1024 T Bulgaria Radioprom Otdel Gramaphoni Plochi #1024 - Vulkana Stoyanova & Radi Angelov Orch Vulkana Stoyanova,
Radi Angelov Orchestra
voice LW> Excellent Singing & good instrumental LW-2232
Radioprom-1028 T Bulgaria,
Radioprom #1028 - 78 RPM - Vulkana Stoyanova & Radi Angelov Orchestra Vulkana Stoyanova,
Radi Angelov Orchestra
voice pravo LW> Excellent Record - same as Orfei (Bulgaria) #1238 - Best quality recording LW-2903